Cumbria Chamber kicks off 2023 with a bang hosting a ‘Business Bites’ networking event in Penrith

A crowd of 50 guests representing businesses from across the Chamber network gathered at North Lakes Hotel & Spa on Thursday 19th January for an evening of business networking.

Attendees chatted over drinks before a talk from Arran Pamphilon from Chamber member Stan Sherlock Associates Ltd, who gave an engaging presentation on financial planning for business owners covering three key themes: business protection, don’t neglect your pension, and having an exit plan and knowing where you’re going financially.

Arran was introduced by LSIP Engagement Manager, Kevin Warman, who updated attendees on the progress of the Chamber’s Local Skills Improvement Plan, a project aimed at bridging the gap between technical education and skills provision and the changing needs of employers in Cumbria.

After the presentations, attendees were treated to delicious canapes and teas and coffees provided by North Lakes Hotel. There was a great atmosphere as attendees swapped business cards and chatted with conversations continuing past the official event end time.

Free to both Chamber members and non-members, ‘Business Bites’, offers the opportunity for face to face networking in a relaxed, social setting away from the office. Upcoming Business Bites networking events include:

Kevin Warman said:

“A huge thanks to everyone who came along to Business Bites networking in Penrith. We hold this event bi-monthly and we seem to have gathered a loyal following of regular attendees as well as some new faces!

It was good to hear from Arran Pamphilon from Stan Sherlock Associates who gave an engaging and informative presentation on financial planning. If any Chamber members would like the opportunity to speak at Business Bites, do get in touch via”

Arran Pamphilon said:

“What a great evening and encouraging to see the local business community supporting the event so well. Lots of great conversations with fellow attendees and of course to meet the star of the show, George the Labrador puppy.

A big thank you to the Chamber for providing me the chance to speak about my experiences helping business owners plan their financial future. Having a financial roadmap and an understanding of what you want to achieve in life, where you are currently heading, and what you need to do to fill any gaps is so important.”

© Cumbria Chamber of Commerce