T level Case Study

T level Case Study

Leo came to college, aged 16, from Furness Academy where he performed well achieving good grades in his GCSEs to enable his progression to a T level.

Business grants now available in Cumberland

Business Grants now available in Cumberland

We’re pleased to launch three new grant schemes available to small and micro businesses in the Cumberland Council area thanks to funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and the Rural England Prosperity Fund.

Manager appointed for Land and Nature Skills Service (LANSS)

Tracey Jackson has been appointed as manager for the Land and Nature Skills Service (LANSS)

Tracey Jackson has been appointed as manager for the Land and Nature Skills Service (LANSS), a new service connecting people with learning and training opportunities in Cumbria’s land and nature-based sector. The new organisation will also facilitate the development of skills provision to meet learner and employer needs and promote land and nature based jobs in Cumbria. 

Business leaders visit Cumbria Chamber Patron Leo Group

Tracey Jackson has been appointed as manager for the Land and Nature Skills Service (LANSS)

Our Power 40 group comprises business leaders from 40 of the county’s most influential businesses. The group met recently for a tour of animal by-product specialist, Leo Group’s Omega Proteins site in Penrith.

Acquired by Leo Group in 2002, Omega Proteins operates a Category 3 animal by-product processing plant. Category 3 material refers to parts of animals that have been passed fit for human consumption in a slaughterhouse but have no market for consumption in the UK.