You could save money with discounted rates from Barclaycard Payments. Whether customers are paying online or in person, you could be taking payments for less thanks to our partnership with Barclaycard Payments. As well as a specially negotiated discount on merchant service charges, their leading online payment solutions and flexible card readers could help you create a smoother payment experience for your customers.
Take payments securely and reliably while letting your customers pay how and when they want with one of the UK’s leading payment providers. You could also benefit from:
*Please check merchant terms and conditions at Settlement terms may vary.
To receive next-day settlement, transactions need to be taken before 9pm. Terms and conditions apply. The approval of your application depends on financial circumstances and borrowing history. Call charges may apply.
“When we first heard that the Chamber had launched the discounted rates on merchant service charges, we were very interested to learn more. We were given a clear pricing structure, which was going to save us 50% on our terminal rental and at least 30% on our transaction fees. As a small business we are always looking to make savings, however there is always a fear that changing providers may be complicated, create risk or that the service may not be what you want or expect. We were appointed a direct customer service contact, Steve, and he talked everything through with us. The transfer was seamless. The equipment arrived within two days of placing the order and the connection was immediate.”
If you are a Chamber member you can access these services now.
If you’re a non-member please join here from £183.75 + VAT.
Exclusive Cumbria Chamber member discounts on Chamber roadside assistance.
Exclusive Cumbria Chamber member discounts on Chamber foreign exchange.
Exclusive Cumbria Chamber member discounts on Chamber finance finder.
Discover our export documentation, exclusive to Cumbria Chamber members.
Become part of a powerful collective of companies that come together to connect, grow and make a difference.
Jane Clingan
Day Cummins